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Parkersburg PD Starts Survey Outreach

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (WTAP) –Parkersburg’s police department is asking for your help once again and all you have to do is tell them what you think.

Parkersburg police are partnering with “Response to Resistance” to gather information from locals on what they believe the appropriate amount of force is. This approach to hearing from the community helps officers understand the community’s perspective. 

Police and Citizens Closely Agree on Reasonable Use of Force According to National Survey Conducted by Response to Resistance

The Response to Resistance Survey was created to support the public safety community and aid their efforts to safeguard the citizens they are sworn to serve and protect. The company has a goal of over 1 million participants. According to Sam Faulkner, RTR founder and CEO, the current national turmoil regarding the purported disproportionate use of force by law enforcement against minorities is fueled by the fact that there is not a hard and fast definition of what constitutes “objectively reasonable force” or how “reasonable officers” respond to resistance, assault and aggression as mandated by the US Supreme Court in Graham v. Connor.

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Memphis Community Outreach Presentation

The results are in and we are happy to share. See what the Memphis community said when asked about reasonable responses to resistance towards law enforcement. The answers might surprise you!

Parkersburg Division of Police/ Community Outreach Survey

In Early August, The Parkersburg Division of Police partnered with Response to Resistance to ensure they were protecting the citizens in their community with reasonable use of force techniques. See the full report.

Action-Response Continuum

The Action-Response Continuum is a pictorial representation of what officers and civilians say are reasonable responses to resistance, aggression and assault and is used for law enforcement training throughout the nation. 

Use of Force

Read the book, Use of Force written by Sam Faulkner, to learn about the research and validation process used to publish the Response to Resistance Survey and the Action-Response Continuum.


See the list of publications in which the Action-Response Continuum and the Use of Force book have been referenced.

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